In the
Dagli Stati Uniti alla Sicilia: l'emigrazione al contrario dei turisti in cerca delle loro radici.
L’edizione di Palermo de La Repubblica narra la vicenda di Sarah Campise Hallier, natali texani ed il desiderio da sempre di conoscere la storia del bisnonno contadino veniva da un paesino siciliano che in famiglia chiamavano Poggioreale.
“We would not be who we are today without the grit and grind our ancestors endured,” says Sarah Campise Hallier, whose story we’re featuring on this month’s episode of our Back to Your Italian Roots series. Along with her mother and siblings, Sarah traveled to her ancestral town, tiny Poggioreale in western Sicily, for the first time last autumn. Then and there, “We learned that we are not just American; we are also Sicilian,” Sarah says. “And we wouldn’t have it any other way”.
Sarah Campise Hallier is a California native with a love of family that stems from her Sicilian roots. She has a passion for genealogy, writing, and learning as much as she can about her ancestral towns of Poggioreale and Bivona, Sicily.